Saturday, January 12, 2013

Fashion Faux Pas

I am in NO way a fashion expert, but I feel like these fashion trends (and I very much dislike the fact that they are actually trends) are just too absurd/annoying/ridiculous to not comment on.

1. To all you lovely ladies who like to commit fashion faux pas, in the words of Blair Waldorf: "Tights are NOT pants... honestly!" Maybe the fact that I spent the past 3 1/2 years of my life at a public state University has impacted my absolute hatred of tights casually making their way into the female wardrobe as laziness towards putting thought into appearance ensues. Maybe I'm being harsh, but good fashion at a public state university does NOT exist...

2. Speaking of college fashion faux pas, who ever said over-sized t-shirts with Nike shorts are acceptable anywhere outside of a gym?! I’ll admit, it can be quite comfy, but only in a lounge-around-the-house, I-won’t-be-caught-dead-wearing-this-in-public kind of way. Working out and lounging around. Otherwise, I go insane when girls actually accessorize with these “outfits”.

3. Animal-print ANYTHING. Okay, I lied a little. I can handle some really cute leopard print shoes, but that’s about it! Maybe some animal print accents I can handle, but full piece made purely of the print? It’s a bit more trashy than classy.

4. Crocs. I feel like my boyfriend, mother, and I are the only ones in the world who hated the shoes when they first came out and still refuse to try on a pair. I completely understand wearing the shoes for gardening or work purposes (my sister owned a pair for when she worked at Texas Roadhouse, and I know they make great shoes for nurses/people in the medical field), but I cannot understand the attraction for actual cute outfits. Am I the only one who wants to say “oh honey…” when seeing a girl’s adorable outfit topped off with a pair of these?

5. Ex-girlfriend jeans/skin-tight pants for men. No explanation necessary. I can’t handle thinking I can share my jeans with a guy. The end.

À la prochaine!

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